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Offer for medium enterprises

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Attractive loans for medium enterprises for implementation of investments and development


Loan amount:
PLN 10 000.00 – PLN 400 000.00

Own contribution:
Minimum 10% of loan value

Payback period:
Up to 8 years

Grace period for capital repayment:
Up to 6 months

Rate of interest:

Reference rate (base rate of the European Commission + 1-4% profit margin)

  • rate of interest is set on a yearly basis according to reference rate, which is set on the basis of variable base rate declared by European Commission (published in Official Journal of the European Union), in force on the day of concluding the loan agreement, increased by 1-4% profit margin
  • Profit margin depends on the lifetime of a company on the market and its security level.
  • Since 01/01/2024 the base rate is 5,68%


  • From 2% to 3% of loan amount (payable no later than on the day the funds are available to the Borrower).

Subject of financing:

  • acquisition o equipment, including machines and devices, tools, instruments and apparatus, means of transport, office supplies, technical infrastructure directly related to the objective of the undertaking being implemented,
  • purchase of real estate directly related to the undertaking being carried out,
  • purchase of materials, raw materials and commercial goods necessary for implementation of the assumed business undertaking,
  • expansion, adaptation or modernization of production and services facilities,
  • other actions increasing mobility and competitiveness of the company.

Subjects authorized to take advantage of a loan:

  • Medium-sized enterprises, according to Appendix I to the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of 17/06/2014,
  • enterprises with creditworthiness and adequate security, as well as these with no outstanding indebtedness to the State Treasury or Social Insurance Institution, as well as resulting from of taxes and local fees