Marketing Audit of the Young Company
Upper Silesian Agency for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship S.A. together with Agencja Rozwoju Lokalnego Sp. z o.o. and Park Naukowo-Technologiczny Euro-Centrum Sp. z o.o., offered small and medium-sized entrepreneurs a new pro-innovation consulting service - Strategic Audit of the Enterprise. The project was of national nature.
The main goal of the MedSilesia Go Global 4.0 project is to approach Polish producers, developers of the ICT bridge, and services that are applicable in the field of health by increasing the internationalization of 11 analysis companies within the MedSilesia Cluster thanks to the opportunities for foreign markets.

The main objective of the MedTech4Europe project is to update instruments under regional and national policies, given the growing demand for innovative infrastructure in the field of MedTech sector.

MedSilesia Go Global
The project is implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Measure 2.3 Pro-innovative services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.3 Internationalization of the National Key Clusters.

Strategic Enterprise Audit
The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the Network of Business Environment Institutions (BEIs) by introducing a new pro-innovation service provided to entrepreneurs. Strengthening the BEI network translated into an increase in the competitiveness of Polish entrepreneurs.
The main goal of the project is to improve the conditions for the development of SMEs in the commune through comprehensive infrastructure and communication of new investment trends in Gliwice. As a result of the project implementation, investment areas will be prepared with a total area of 9 ha, where, among others, 4 investments carried out by companies from the SME sector. New investment areas will enlarge the area of the existing "NOWE GLIWICE" complex owned by GAPR.

KSI KSU consulting for innovation
The project is addressed to entrepreneurs from the SME sector, who will be supported in the process of introducing innovations to practices of their business by providing them with access to a standardized, high-quality pro-innovation consulting service provided by entities belonging to the National Innovation Network of the National SME Services Network (KSI KSU).

Frienldy clinic audit (FCA), God Rehabilitation practice audit (GRPA) - implementation of innovation and diffusion of good practices in non-public health care facilities
The project co-financed under the Operational Program Innovative Economy under Measure 5.2, from the European Regional Development Fund, was implemented in the period from 01.2011 to 12.2012.

The COMPETE IN project concerns the internationalization of SMEs; The key issue related to the development of this sector of enterprises on a global scale, occurring in the European Union countries is the weakness of companies, especially due to the requirement of incurring high investment expenditures and uncertainty of achieving the expected level of investment effectiveness.

BATCo - Baltic-Adriatic Transport Cooperation
Main objective of the BATCo project activities was a balanced and harmonious development of the Baltic-Adriatic transport axis and strengthening its competitiveness, as part of the North-South connections of Central Europe.

Capital express - a new proinnovative advisory service for companies with potential
The project co-financed under the Operational Program Innovative Economy under Measure 5.2, from the European Regional Development Fund, was implemented in the period from 01.2011 to 12.2012.

The KETGATE project aims to create a model model in Central Europe (CE) for a network of services dedicated to SMEs in the area of key enabling technologies (KET-Key-enabling Technology).The created service network and business support will be created based on cooperation with research and development units and the infrastructure they offer.

CEBBIS - Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support
The aim of the CEBBIS project was to seek trans-regional industry methods and solutions that strengthen the process of technology transfer (TT) to the SME sector.
The project created tools, methods and procedures for professionalizing innovation and TT support in connection with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The main objective of the CEBBIS project was to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs on the international market by offering innovations that focus on ICT applications specific to selected industry sectors.

My company - my independence
The project is addressed to unemployed and inactive people who plan to start their own business.
As part of the project, 38 people will benefit from a career counseling service and a training and consulting block preparing to submit a business plan. For all participants, one-time financial support for setting up business, consulting after setting up the company and financial bridging support for 6 months are planned to cover the costs related to the current running of the company.

CNCB - Cluster and Network Cooperation for Business Success in Central Europe
Clusters are the most popular instruments for the support of economic development of innovation. They play an important role in strengthening competitiveness of regions by supporting the creation of attractive regional profiles, research and SMEs.

Science for business - business for science
The main goal of the Science for Business - Business for Science project was to develop an effective communication platform: science - industry; industry - science. By implementing the project, we successfully combined Business with Science and Science with Business, raise awareness of the role of science in economic development.

My company - my independence II
As part of the project, 36 people will benefit from a career counseling service and a training and consulting block preparing to submit a business plan. For all participants / check, one-time financial support for setting up business, training and consulting support after establishing the company and financial bridging support for 6-12 months to cover costs related to the current running of the company are planned. The condition of non-returnability of the support obtained is to conduct business for a period of at least 12 months from the day of its commencement.

Regional network of promotion and technology transfer
Regional Network of Promotion and Technology Transfer in the Śląskie Voivodeship was a project financed by the European Union and state budget. Its implementation was conducted through, among others, visits of consultants in enterprises and R&D units, conducting their diagnosis of technological needs, organizing conferences, seminars on innovation and technology transfer.

(Dis)abled in their companies
The project is directed entirely to people with disabilities, unemployed or professionally inactive who plan to start their own business.
W ramach projektu 32 uczestników skorzysta z usługi doradztwa zawodowego oraz bloku szkoleniowo-doradczego przygotowującego do złożenia biznesplanu. Dla wszystkich uczestników zaplanowano wsparcie finansowe na rozpoczęcie działalności, doradztwo po założeniu firmy i finansowe wsparcie pomostowe na 6 miesięcy na pokrycie kosztów związanych z bieżącym prowadzeniem firmy.

The main objective of the S3martMed project is therefore to support interregional and intersectoral cooperation in the field of medical technologies – between European clusters and their members from the SME sector

The aim of the ProVaHealth project - Product Validation In Health is to facilitate access to health infrastructure for startups aiming at commercialization, also giving the opportunity to verify by gathering practical feedback for companies wanting to enter the market and develop the product.

European Direct Information Center - Silesia
The European Direct Information Point Europe Direct - Silesia began its operation in January 2013. The aim of the Point is to provide residents of the region with free access to information, stimulate discussions on topics related to the European Union, answers to questions about the EU institutions, its legislation, policies and application options for co-financing from EU fund projects.

The main objective of the project is to improve the flow of information, oriented towards joint planning and coordination of activities between regional authorities, transport network operators, and interested entities in freight transport, as well as operators of logistic centers and terminals.

Main objective of the project is to develop a model of operation for regional observatories, equipment of a network of observatories with a set of monitoring and comparative analysis tools, and to develop a catalog of standardized development services which could be provided by the Observatories in Central Europe.

Network of regional specialist observatiories - medical obseravtory
Clusters are the most popular instruments for the support of economic development of innovation. They play an important role in strengthening competitiveness of regions by supporting the creation of attractive regional profiles, research and SMEs.

Project “Head of your own company - why not? Training, consulting and financial support for women setting up their own business.”
Project "The head of own company - why not? Training, consulting and financial support for women starting their own business." within the framework of Measure 6.2 Support and promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment, Operational Program Human Capital (POKL).

"A network of regional specialist observatories in entrepreneurial process of discovery”
The project "Network of Regional Specialist Observatories in the Enterprise Discovery Process" is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund under Measure 1.3. Professionalisation of the Regional Operational Program for the Śląskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

Mag welder - precious employee
The project is addressed to unemployed or professionally passive people who would like to improve their position on the labor market by increasing or acquiring new skills and qualifications in the MAG welding profession. The project includes vocational counseling, support from an employment specialist and a professional course in the profession of MAG welder. Selected participants will have the opportunity to undergo professional internships.

Implementation of export activites by the locl development agency co. in jaworzno
The project allowed for establishing contacts with business partners on foreign markets, interested in purchasing innovative solutions in the IT area, as well as starting export expansion on target markets. The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Operational Program, Measure 6.1.

Enhancing a competitive position of bei through the extension of pro-innovation service catalog for enterprises
Under this enigmatic name of the project, a new pro-innovation consulting service is created and provided - AUDIT OF MARKETING NEEDS. During the implementation of the project in the period from June 1, 2009 - April 30, 2011, the service was free, during this period the companies that benefited from the service received a certificate of de minimis aid.

Golden standard
Project co-financed under the Operational Program Innovative Economy under Measure 5.2, from the European Regional Development Fund

V4Clusters - intensifies cooperation between clusters operating in the Visegrad Group countries and stimulates selected clusters to cooperate at the international level. Project activities are part of the macroeconomic strategy prepared for the Visegrad Fund. The V4Clusters partners are working on the creation and development of an open internet portal integrated with the Visegrad Fund website.

CluStrat - generates strategic knowledge for decision-makers responsible for innovations and clusters from all of Central Europe by examining the given assets and growth potential of Central European regions and inter-clusters cooperation.

E-CREATE project "Cultural Routes of Entrepreneurship and Technological Development" - increases the competitiveness of enterprises through the diagnosis, evaluation and dissemination of best practices in the field of the use of ICT in conducting business by entrepreneurs from the tourist sector, on cultural routes.
The main thematic areas of the project include entrepreneurship on cultural routes, ICT and tourism.

Dis(abled) important at work
At work, an important (not) able-bodied - a project aimed at unemployed or inactive people who would like to improve their position on the labor market by raising or acquiring new skills and qualifications in the profession of MAG and TIG welder. The project offers vocational and psychological counseling, vocational training in welding and job search techniques. The selected participants make it possible to complete a professional internship.

Cogita - social and ecological responsibility of enterprises within the framework of regional policy
COGITA - Social and ecological responsibility of enterprises within the framework of regional policy - assumes the identification and implementation of tools, serving public authorities and public stakeholders to effectively support SMEs in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The project provides for an inter-regional exchange of experience involving local stakeholders.

Fulfill your dreams - start a business
Make your dream come true - set up a business - the project provides training support as well as individual and group consulting for people planning to set up a business. Project participants, after developing a business plan, can obtain non-returnable financial support for starting a business or financial bridging support for running it. business. During the project implementation, each participant is provided with the support of an individual guardian.

Via Regia plus
Via Regia plus - Regional cooperation along the 3rd Pan-European Transport Corridor
- Program for Central Europe

The key to work
The key to work - offers support for unemployed or inactive people by participating in a free package of trainings raising and updating professional qualifications in the field of administrative and office work: accounting or HR and payroll, as well as organizing an internship and awarding a scholarship.