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We are pleased to announce a positive result of the quality management system certification process at the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd.


In 2011 Local Development Agency Ltd. has been registered in the National System of Services for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (KSU) in the field of information and advisory services of a general and pro-innovative nature. In accordance with requirements set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Economy on KSU, GAPR has the appropriate technical and economic potential and ensures provision of services in accordance with the standard by persons possessing necessary qualifications.

KSU is a network of about 200 cooperating organizations specialized in providing various types of services for enterprises and people starting a business activity. KSU activities are supervised and supported by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. For more information, please visit www.ksu.parp.gov.pl.


Golden Statuette and title of the “Polish Business Leader” went to the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. during this year’s Great Gala of Polish Business Leaders, crowning the XXVII edition of the Polish Business Leader competition.

According to justification, the company from Gliwice was appreciated by the jury for excellent economic indicators, the highest quality and a wide range of services, as well as help for those in need.


In this year’s edition of the “Success in Silesia. People and companies” competition, Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. received the title of the Best Company in Silesia throughout 25 years.In recommendation to the title presented by the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, activities that contribute to raising the economic position of Gliwice have been underlined:

  • successful consolidation of business environment institutions potential,
  • model development of post-mining areas and facilities – the “New Gliwice” Business and Education Center,
  • leading role in the region -institution supporting innovative enterprise development.

The competition organized by the Silesian Association of Managers aimed at distinguishing the most innovative companies and managers in Silesia.


Committee of the “Silesian Business Caesars” competition granted the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. the Statuette of Caesar of Silesian Business. This exceptional distinction is confirmed by very good financial results and great interest in social activities of the Company’s employees.


Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. received a nomination for the Symbol 2015 title in a promotional program run by the Editors of the “Monitor Biznesu” and “Monitor Rynkowy”.


Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. participates in the World Bank project implemented in the years 2014-2015 at the request of the Ministry of Economy on the needs and potential of companies within the framework of smart specializations, and entrepreneurial discovery process and the “Europe 2020” Strategy.


Please note that the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. was among the Winners of the XXVI edition of the European Medal.

The event organized by the Business Centre Club, under the patronage of the European Economic and Social Committee with its headquarters in Brussels, is an opportunity to distinguish entrepreneurs and institutions that, in addition to meeting European standards, are characterized by high dynamics of activities and take advantage of opportunities offered by membership in the European Union.

Service of the Company, which has been awarded with the European Medal, is a “one-stop shop” – all in one “window”/”place”. It is a comprehensive service with the possibility of financial support for pro-development activities related to advisory support – innovation audit.
GAPR Ltd. as one of the few Business Environment Institutions provides its clients with the possibility of taking advantage of the “one-stop shop” service, which includes:

1. Acting as Substitute Investor.
2. Performing the function of Owner’s Representative – in accordance with requirements of the Construction Law.
3. Possibility of support for development activities of the company – LOAN FUND.
4. Advisory support – innovation audit.

The service is dedicated to customers both from the enterprise sector as well as from Local Government Units, who count on professional and comprehensive investment service, as well as support in the implementation of innovative solutions plus the possibility of financing them.


Please be advised that President of our Company – Mr. Bogdan Traczyk, together with the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. which is managed by him, has once again become a member of the Business Centre Club.

Presence of our company in such an elite group hopefully will contribute to establishment of numerous domestic and foreign contacts, will allow for the exchange of experience and integration with other members of the Club.

Our company has the right to use the title of a Business Centre Club Member.

Business Centre Club has existed since 1991. It is a prestigious Club of entrepreneurs and the largest organization of individual employers in the country. BCC consists of 2,500 members (people and companies). BCC members, representing nearly 250 cities, are concentrated in 24 regional chapters throughout Poland. BCC includes representatives from all industries, international corporations, financial and insurance institutions, telecommunications companies, the largest Polish manufacturers, universities, publishing companies and well-known law firms.

BCC members accept Statute of the organization which obliges them to represent high ethical standards, comply with rules of the Merchant Code and act in accordance with the idea of corporate social responsibility.

BCC conducts active economic lobbying for the development of free market economy, creation of good law, defense of interests of Polish entrepreneurs. So far all presidents and heads of the Polish government have consulted with Club Members. BCC experts co-create and give opinion on economic laws, participate in the work of parliamentary committees, and convince ministers and MPs to implement their solutions. Work of the government is systematically evaluated by a group of outstanding specialists who form the Monitoring Committee of BCC.


A special distinction of the 5th edition of the “Brand – Silesia” competition was awarded to the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd.

By the decision of the Committee, this year a special distinction in the competition “Brand – Silesia” was awarded to the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. The 20th Jubilee Gala of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Gliwice took place on September 6, 2014. “Brand – Silesia” is a competition which aims to select and promote products, companies and enterprises that, due to their quality, unique values and links with the Śląskie Voivodeship, represent an outstanding, worth following level. Committee of the competition also honors socially responsible, active and entrepreneurial personalities who have made an unquestioned contribution and are particularly involved in the promotion of our region. The prize is a thank you for a significant contribution to the development of the Śląskie Voivodeship.

In the modern world, the terms “image” and “brand” are extremely important when promoting a country or region. In 2006, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Gliwice together with the Polish Dziennik Zachodni and Polish Radio Katowice initiated the creation of an honorary distinction under the name “Brand – Silesia”, which in 2009 was included in the Development Strategy of the Śląskie Voivodeship as a permanent element of promotion. Marshal of the Śląskie Voivodeship and top media of our region joined the group of co-organizers of the competition: TVP Katowice, Polish Radio Katowice and Dziennik Zachodni.

This award is a symbol of the quality, and reliability of people, companies, and institutions working here. It shows changes taking place in the voivodeship, emphasizes what Poland, Europe and the world should know about Silesia.


In this year’s edition of the “Success in Silesia. People and companies” the title Manager of the year 2013 in Silesia in the category Manager of the Business Environment Institution went to Bogdan Traczyk, President of the Management Board of the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. in Gliwice.

Competition organized by the Silesian Association of Managers was aimed at awarding distinguished managers in the Śląskie Voivodeship.

President of the Management Board of GAPR Ltd. – Bogdan Traczyk – was awarded by the Silesian Association of Managers.


Golden Laurel of Skills and Competences of 2011 – Local Development Agency Ltd. was awarded by the Regional Chamber of Commerce with a Golden Laurel of Skills and Competences.

Laurel is an award for outstanding people, companies, organizations and institutions that actively and effectively include the process of creating a market economy, its restructuring and adjustment to European standards.

Whole idea of the undertaking is to promote entrepreneurship – people and their companies who achieve economic success and at the same time are able to share this success through social activity in their environment and supporting local initiatives. They have been awarded since 1992.