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Completed EU projects

 MedTech4Europe  Marketing Audit of the Young Company  MedSilesia Go Global  MEDSILESIA GO GLOBAL 4.0  MedTech4Europe  MedSilesia Go Global  Strategic Enterprise Audit  MedSilesia Go Global 4.0  NEW GLIWICE STAGE III  KSI KSU consulting for innovation  Frienldy clinic audit (FCA), God Rehabilitation practice audit (GRPA) - implementation of innovation and diffusion of good practices in non-public health care facilities  COMPETE IN  BATCo - Baltic-Adriatic Transport Cooperation  Capital express - a new proinnovative advisory service for companies with potential  KETGATE  CEBBIS - Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support  My company - my independence  CNCB - Cluster and Network Cooperation for Business Success in Central Europe  Science for business - business for science  My company - my independence II  Regional network of promotion and technology transfer  (Dis)abled in their companies  S3MARTMED  ProVaHealth  European Direct Information Center - Silesia  TRANS TRITIA  Smart_watch  Network of regional specialist observatiories - medical obseravtory  Project “Head of your own company - why not? Training, consulting and financial support for women setting up their own business.”  "A network of regional specialist observatories in entrepreneurial process of discovery”  Mag welder - precious employee  Implementation of export activites by the locl development agency co. in jaworzno  Enhancing a competitive position of bei through the extension of pro-innovation service catalog for enterprises  Golden standard  V4Clusters  CluStrat  e-CREATE  Dis(abled) important at work  Cogita - social and ecological responsibility of enterprises within the framework of regional policy  Fulfill your dreams - start a business  Via Regia plus  The key to work