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Consulting and information services

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Innovative company

The GAPR consulting offer includes comprehensive support for enterprises (in particular the SME sector) in the implementation of innovative processes:
  • analysis of technological needs;
  • analysis of the innovation potential;
  • advice on financing innovation;
  • help in the process of searching for and implementing new technologies.

EU grants

help in the process of searching for and implementing new technologies. We participated in obtaining EU subsidies in the pre-accession period, building a database of experience and a team of specialists over the years.

We have a tradition and many years of experience in the field of acquiring, implementing and accounting for projects financed from national and international funds, especially from the European Union.

Comprehensive investment service

GAPR is prepared to act as Substitute Investor for cubic and line investmentsas an organizational unit acting for consideration on behalf of the ordering party and responsible before him for the organization and coordination of activities of all parties involved in the investment process of the contracting authority.

International cooperation

The Upper Silesian Accelerator for Commercial Enterprises Ltd. has extensive experience in matching business partners acquired in the implementation of many projects, including international ones.

Our task was to find and select partners interested in specific solutions. During our activity, we helped establish many contacts that resulted in long-term business relationships.