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Innovative company

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We offer comprehensive and effective support for enterprises (in particular from the SME sector) within the scope of implementation of innovative processes.


The offer includes:

  • technological needs analysis;
  • analysis of the innovation potential;
  • analysis of the innovation potential
    consulting within the scope of financing innovations and assistance in the process of finding and implementing new technologies.

Innovation audit

Stimulator of the company’s development is an assessment of potential and needs of companies in terms of possibilities and needs of implementing a new or significantly improved product (product or service), new or significantly improved process, new marketing method or new organizational method in the rules adopted by the entrepreneur, in the organization of work space or relations with the environment.

Innovation audit also gives an answer to the question if innovative activities are effective to the point when they can be a source of competitive advantage.

Technological needs audit

Technological needs audit is a diagnostic tool used to assess the enterprise in areas of broadly understood technique. The diagnosis covers both the area of applied techniques and technologies, as well as marketing, management, organization or offered products.

The Innovative Company offer is complemented by consulting on obtaining funds to finance innovations and assistance in the process of finding and implementing new technologies.