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Capital Group GAPR Ltd.

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Upper Silesian Accelerator for Commercial Enterprises Ltd. is a shareholder in the following capital companies:

  • Silesian Center for Science and Technology of Aviation Industry Ltd. with its registered office in Czechowice-Dziedzice (ŚCNTPL Ltd.)
  • ŚCNTPL Ltd. is one of the most modern centers for the production of composite structures in autoclave technology together with a research laboratory in Europe.
  • Upper-Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship Promotion Ltd. based in Rybnik (GAPP Ltd.)
  • Activity of GAPP Ltd. is based on the Rybnik Technology Incubator which belongs to it. It is aimed at supporting micro and small enterprises by providing rental, advisory and information services.

In addition, capital of GAPR Ltd. is involved in the following entities:

  • Regional Development Agency Co. from Bielsko-Biała (ARR Co.)
    Agency’s mission is to provide the highest quality services by activating the endogenous potential and using available assistance programs, financed from domestic and foreign funds, in particular from the European Union.
  • Local Development Agency Co. with its headquarters in Sosnowiec (ARL Co.)
    The agency acts as a business environment institution. The Company’s business is to undertake activities related to local development by supporting entrepreneurship. It cooperates with local governments, institutions and agencies on a local, regional and national level as well as with municipalities of Zagłębie Dąbrowskie.

Silesian Center for Science and Technology of Aviation Industry Ltd. (ŚCNTPL)

Silesian Center for Science and Technology of the Aviation Industry being one of the most modern in Europe centers for the production of composite structures in autoclave technology together with a research laboratory. Launched in 2012, the Center is focused on providing services to the aviation industry, which makes it necessary to apply very high standards in all areas of activity. The idea of the Center is also to implement technologies applied in aviation in other areas, such as the yacht industry, automotive, railways and wind energy - wherever light and durable materials are needed to ensure the safety of the user.