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RehAllianCE – Optimizing usage of new technologies in rehabilitation to improve life quality of Central Europe inhabitants


Project aims to strengthen support services for SMEs in order to improve access to R&I in the field of technologies dedicated to rehabilitation. Ageing population will inevitably lead to robotization and digitalization as the number of patients exceeds available support. Strengthening innovation capacities of SMEs will not only boost regional economies, but also provide patients in need with the best available treatment, regardless of their location (rural/urban) and financial status.

The common challenges tackled by our project can be divided into two dimensions – social and technological.

  • Social – lack of systemic approach or models for rehabilitation of all groups of patients (seniors, patients recovering from stroke/cardiac operations, disabled children, teenagers with spinal degeneration, etc) .
  • Technological – lack of common solutions for the MedTech manufacturing industry that require transition towards advanced technologies and digitally skilled workforce.

To tackle above mentioned challenges within the project, different innovation actors across countries (BSO, University, Digital Innovation Hubs, Regional Authorities…) join their efforts, share experience and best practices to work on the strategy and policy recommendations to improve innovation

governance. Such a  cooperation of partners representing areas with different levels of research and innovation capabilities is crucial to provide SMEs with systemic support and improve R&I potential.

Main focus will be put on enabling SMEs not only to take up innovative methods and technologies but also to work out financing models, encouraging and supporting transnational cooperation.