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EU grants

Upper Silesian Accelerator for Commercial Enterprises Ltd. has rich experience in obtaining funds.

The offer includes:

  • consulting on available financing sources;
  • configuration of the most effective solutions;
  • preparation of application documentation;
  • project administration and settlement;
  • Horizon Europe;
  • Grant audit;

Acquisition of EU funds

We have participated in the acquisition of EU subsidies in the pre-accession period, building a database of experience and a team of specialists over the years. We have a tradition and many years of experience in the field of acquiring, implementing and accounting for projects financed from national and international funds, especially from the European Union. For many Polish SMEs, lack of access to capital is one of the main reasons for failure to use their development potential. Co-financing from the EU, and currently use of funds under Operational Programs/HORIZON Europe- the largest of the current Framework Programs for research and innovation for the years 2021-2027 can contribute to overcoming barriers to the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. These are measures aimed at implementing innovative technologies and improving competitiveness and effectiveness of SME companies.

 Grant audit

is an assessment of possibilities for obtaining co-financing from European funds. Effect of the audit is a report containing a list of EU programs adjusted to the needs of an institution/company along with their characteristics, including presentation of conditions for applying for co-financing, indication of expenditures which are possible under the project, amount of received co-financing, own contribution and presentation of current schedules of calls for applications.