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MedSilesia Cluster

MedSilesia Cluster is an effective partner of a business, local government, and science environments influencing the shape of the medical industry in the country and abroad. MedSilesia gathers institutions, companies, and organizations operating or offering services in the technology, equipment, and medical devices sector.


What does the MedSilesia Cluster have to offer?

  • Industry development services: POWER-MED., MED. Think, GO Global.
  • Expertise, especially in the field of obtaining EU funds for the medical industry.
  • Services of a medical technologies broker.
  • International cooperation.
  • Access to all key scientific facilities and universities in Silesia.
  • Cooperation with the most important enterprises in the industry.


What do you get by being in the MedSliesia Cluster?


1.  Industry consulting

  • Professional consulting and development services created for and dedicated to cluster members within the scope of effective and innovative business management in the medical industry: POWER-MED., MED. Think, GO GLOBAL.
  • Participation in the creation and development of innovative medical products and devices under the MadeInMedSilesia brand.

2. Internationalization and international cooperation

  • Access to the industry database, the possibility of establishing international contacts on the basis of rich cooperation of MedSilesia with industry-based foreign clusters.
  • Support within the scope of internationalization and export activities

3. Joint projects

  • Real opportunities for support and implementation of partner projects/innovative ventures in the field of medical products, devices, and technologies.
  • Opportunity to participate in the creation and implementation of joint projects by cluster members.

4. Competences

  • Human resources development: industry-specific trainings, workshops, conferences, brokerage meetings.
  • Access to the database of industry experts.

Strategic goals of the MedSilesia Cluster

  • Creation of a cooperation network in the area of medical products and devices, enabling effective combination and use of the potential of people, enterprises, universities, scientific and research facilities, business environment institutions.
  • Supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of medical products and devices, as well as the creation of conditions for effective commercialization of research results of universities and research and development facilities.
  • Combining and developing resources and competences in order to effectively use both existing opportunities and opportunities related to the development of an innovative knowledge-based economy.
  • Internationalization of the MedSilesia brand.
  • Creation and commercialization of common products of the MadeInMedSilesia cluster.
  • Creation and implementation of joint projects by cluster members.
  • Implementation of specific investments in the form of a consortium.

Specializations of the MedSilesia Cluster