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“Co-financing development services for SMEs from the revitalized areas of the Central Subregion of the Silesian Voivodship”

The project “Co-financing development services for SMEs from the revitalized areas of the Central Subregion of the Silesian Voivodship” is implemented by the Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd. in partnership with the District Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tychy and the City of Jaworzno.

The main objective of the project is to strengthen competitiveness with adaptation capacities of SME sector enterprises from revitalized areas by providing consulting and training development services in accordance with their needs, and supporting the development of employees’ qualifications in accordance with the needs of employers.

Target group:

Recipients of the support can include enterprises of the SME sector, which:

  • operate in revitalized areas of the Central Subregion
  • are interested in obtaining funds for co-financing consultancy and training services for their employees and management as part of the offer available in the Development Services Database

Co-financing level:

Maximum amount of co-financing that a single enterprise may apply for under a single project, for co-financing the total costs of purchase of development services is PLN 100,000.00.

About the project:

Aim of the project is to strengthen competitiveness and adaptability of 224 enterprises from the SME sector from the revitalized areas of the Central Subregion of the Śląskie Voivodeship by improving competences and/or qualifications of 707 employees of these enterprises.

Planned effects of the project:

  • Number of enterprises supported by the project: 224
    Number of employees supported in the project: 943 people
    Number of people with low qualifications supported by the project: 273 people
    Number of people employed, including those self-employed at the age of 50 and over: 94 people
  • Priority axis: VIII. Regional human resources for the knowledge-based economy
  • Measure: 8.2. Strengthening the adaptive potential of enterprises, entrepreneurs and their employees
  • Submeasure: 8.2.1. Support for entrepreneurs and their employees in the field of enterprise development – ITI

Project implementation period: 01.08.2017 – 31.12.2023
Project value: PLN 8 563 435.00
Contribution of European Funds: PLN 6 767 429.86


Website of the project: www.psf.gapr.pl.

Customer Service Point in Gliwice

Upper Silesian Accelerator For Commercial Enterprises Ltd.,
44-100 Gliwice, ul. Wincentego Pola 16, Room 002
tel. 32/ 461 29 14, psf.zit@gapr.pl, INFOLINE: 534-657-310
opening hours (in the period when there is no recruitment):
Monday-Friday 8:00-15:00

Customer Service Point in Tychy

District Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Tychy, 43-100 Tychy, ul. Grota Roweckiego 42, room 331
tel. 32/ 327 72 77, izba@izba.tychy.pl
opening hours (in the period when there is no recruitment):
Monday-Friday 8:00-15:00

Customer Service Point in Jaworzno
City Hall in Jaworzno, Plac Górników 5, room 228
tel. 32/ 61 81 884
opening hours (in the period when there is no recruitment):
Monday-Wednesday 8:00-16:00
Thursday 8:00-17:00
Friday 8:00-15:00