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(Dis)abled in their companies

The project is directed entirely at people with disabilities, unemployed or professionally inactive who plan to start their own business.


As a part of the project, 32 people will benefit from a career counseling service, as well as training and consulting block preparing to submit a business plan. Financial support for business start-up, consultancy after establishing the company and financial bridging support for 6 months to cover the costs related to current running of the company have been planned for all participants.

Bridging support can be extended for another 6 months. The condition of non-returnability of the obtained support is to run business for a period of at least 12 months from the day of its commencement.

The project is implemented in partnership with the Bielsko-Biała Art Association “Grodzki Theater” (www.teatrgrodzki.pl).

We invite people who meet all of the following conditions to participate in the project:

  • People with disabilities,
  • over 30 years of age
  • residing in the Śląskie voivodeship,
  • unemployed or professionally inactive,
  • not conducting business activity within the last 12 months before joining the project,

ATTENTION: a person who is over 29 years old and who is under 30 cannot qualify for the project.

Free forms of support within the project:

  • Meeting with a Vocational Counselor
  • Training and consulting block (before starting the business) preparing to submit a business plan, set up and run a business – on three levels of advancement
  • Financial support for setting up a business – max. PLN 23 754.00
  • Bridging support for current costs – for all participants max. PLN 1 285.16/month for 12 months
  • Advisory support (after starting the business)
  • Assistance of a Disabled Person‘s Assistant

Financial support (grant) can be used for:

  • Fixed assets
  • Intangible and legal assets
  • Advertising (up to 10% of the grant value)
  • Current assets (up to 25% of the grant value),
  • Renovation and adaptation works,
  • Means of transport (whereas aid for the purchase of vehicles intended for road transport of goods by enterprises engaged in gainful employment in the field of road transport of goods is EXCLUDED),
  • Other expenses related to the start-up of a company.

Bridging support can be used for:

  • social security and health insurance premiums, taxes and administrative fees related to business operations,
  • other expenses necessary in the first period of operation.

Trainings will be conducted in Gliwice, individual business consulting in Gliwice and Bielsko-Biała.

In addition, Project Participants are provided with catering during trainings, a pen, a notebook, printed training content, a book on how to run a business, reimbursement of travel expenses for training, consultancy and meetings with a Grant officer (the amount per Participant and detailed rules for reimbursement of travel costs will be determined in the Regulations of travel expenses refund).

Project goal: setting up a business activity until 31.10.2017 by 32 people from the Śląskie voivodeship, above 30 years of age, unemployed or professionally inactive, being in the most difficult situation on the labor market and running it for at least 12 months from the day of its commencement.

Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund.

Regional Operational Programme of the Śląskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020

Priority axis: VII. Regional labor market.

Measure: 7.3. Support for people intending to start a business

Submeasure 7.3.3. Promotion of self-employment

The project is carried out under the supervision of the Voivodeship Labour Office in Katowice.

Project implementation period: 1.11.2016 – 31.12.2018

Project value: 1 774 243,20 zł

Contribution of European Funds:: 1 508 106,72 zł

Project office: – open on business days from 8:00 to 15:00

Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd.
Education and Business Center “Nowe Gliwice” GAPR Ltd.
ul. Bojkowska 37, 44-100 Gliwice
Building 4 „Maszynownia” room 101
e-mail: firma@gapr.pl, tel. 32 461 29 24

INFORMATION POINT in Bielsko-Biała – open on working days from 8:30 to 15:30

Bielsko Art Association “Grodzki Theater”
ul. Stefanii Sempołowskiej 13, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała
e-mail:greg@reha-expert.pl tel. 33 496 52 19