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Network of regional specialist observatiories – medical obseravtory

The system project “Network of Regional Specialist Observatories” is implemented under Sub-measure 8.1.2 “Support for adaptation and modernization processes in the region” of the Human Capital Operational Program in the Śląskie Voivodeship co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The project is addressed to all actors of the innovation ecosystem:

  • self-government territorial units,
  • science and research units,
  • entrepreneurs.

Main objective of the project is to develop technological and innovative potential of the region by building a competitive advantage of the voivodeship based on programming economic changes among representatives of self-government territorial units as a result of project implementation.

Task of the Network is to enable quick and easy access to specialist knowledge and database of experts in selected strategic areas for the region, including through the publication of annual specialist reports, cyclical workshops, access to expert database. This network is to act as “contact points” for actors of the innovation ecosystem, facilitating communication, cooperation and exchange of knowledge and data regarding destinations and trends in technology development as well as promotion of activities undertaken by the province self-government in technological areas. Strengthening the relationship between the sphere of entrepreneurship, science and administration in the economic dimension will contribute to building competitive advantages in relation to other regions.

Project implementation period: September 2013 – September 2015

Project Leader: Marshal Office Of The Silesian Voivodeship

Project partners

  • The Central Mining Institute in Katowice
  • Technopark Science and Technology Park in Gliwice;
  • Technopark Science and Technology Park in Gliwice;
    Consortium composed of: Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd. (former Upper-Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship Promotion Co.);
  • Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment ITAM;
  • Professor Zbigniew Religa’s Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development
  • Euro-Centrum Science and Technology Park in Katowice

More on website: www.obserwatorium-medyczne.pl


The system project “Network of Regional Specialist Observatories” is implemented under Sub-measure 8.1.2 “Support for adaptation and modernization processes in the region” of the Human Capital Operational Program in the Śląskie Voivodeship co-financed by the European Social Fund. The project is addressed to all actors of the innovation ecosystem: self-government territorial units, research units and entrepreneurs.

Main objective of the project is to develop technological and innovative potential of the region by building a competitive advantage of the voivodeship based on programming economic changes among representatives of self-government territorial units as a result of project implementation.

Task of the Network is to enable quick and easy access to specialist knowledge and database of experts in selected strategic areas for the region, including through the publication of annual specialist reports, cyclical workshops, access to expert database.

This network is to act as “contact points” for actors of the innovation ecosystem, facilitating communication, cooperation and exchange of knowledge and data regarding destinations and trends in technology development as well as promotion of activities undertaken by the province self-government in technological areas. Strengthening the relationship between the sphere of entrepreneurship, science and administration in the economic dimension will contribute to building competitive advantages in relation to other regions.