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Strategic Enterprise Audit

The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the Network of Business Environment Institutions (BEIs) by introducing a new pro-innovation service provided to entrepreneurs. Strengthening the BEI network translated into an increase in the competitiveness of Polish entrepreneurs.

Introduction of this service to the catalog of the BEI offer – Strategic Audit of the Enterprise – expanded the catalog of services provided to enterprises and contributed to the implementation of objectives set out in the IE OP – creating conditions for increasing competitiveness of the economy based on knowledge and entrepreneurship, ensuring employment growth and increase of social, economic and spatial cohesions level.

The project was carried out from February 2011 to July 2013. This service was provided free of charge under the de minimis rules. The project involved free audits in 110 enterprises.

  • Extending the catalog of pro-innovation consulting services by disseminating it among Business Environment Institutions and KSU centers, and thus strengthening the network of these institutions in Poland.
  • Setting standards for conducting a Strategic Audit of the Enterprise.
  • Increased awareness of entrepreneurs regarding a need to introduce innovations to the company.

Proper service in the company was carried out on the basis of a questionnaire survey and direct interview with managers of the organization, focused on strategic issues of the company’s operations.

The audit was carried out by an external expert together with a project consultant.

The study primarily concerned

  • Competition evaluation,
  • indicating potential opportunities and threats for the company in the context of its products, services and area in which it operates
  • analysis and assessment of quality of entrepreneur’s process of obtaining information about the company’s environment and its proper management due to market conditions,
  • obtaining information on the life cycle phase in which the product is located,
  • market and technology used by the company,
  • carrying out strategic balance of the company in accordance with the methodology proposed by Bieniok and Marek.

Website of the project: http://www.audytstrategiczny.pl/?page=cel-projektu

Manual for the ASP service