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Silesian Center for Science and Technology of Aviation Industry Ltd. (ŚCNTPL)

Address: ul. Nad Białką 25, 43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice


ŚCNTPL Ltd. is one of the most modern centers for the production of composite structures in autoclave technology together with a research laboratory in Europe.


Main mission and task of ŚCNTPL
Ltd. is supporting entrepreneurs in the implementation of modern composite materials and strengthening the Polish aerospace industry on the way of entering new markets.

 Technological infrastructure of the Center launched at the end of 2012 was created thanks to financial support of the European Union under the Innovative Economy Operational Program.

Activity of ŚCNTPL Ltd. focuses primarily on research and implementation works in the field of composite components production with the use of latest technologies required by the aerospace industry. Composites are made of fabrics pre-impregnated with resin (so-called prepregs) hardened in autoclave technology, which results in the fact that ready-made elements are characterized by high quality and strict parameters programmed by technologists at the product design stage.
Subsequently, ŚCNTPL Ltd. manufactures composite elements with a high level of innovation (at least on a national scale). High level of innovation means that recipients of these services are mainly aircraft manufacturers (aircraft, gliders, drones), spacecraft manufacturers (primarily satellites) and manufacturers of exclusive cars.

Technical infrastructure of the Silesian Center for Science and Technology of Aviation Industry, on the basis of which services are provided, consists of two basic elements:

  1. Composite Structure Department, which deals with design and manufacture of complete composite structures or their components – this is where composites used in the most modern industries are made.
  2. Materials Testing Laboratory, – its’ scope of research includes static and fatigue tests of complete structures or their components – this is where quality of composite elements is tested and research works are carried out for enterprises implementing new products and technological solutions – mainly for automotive and aerospace industries.

ŚCTNPL Ltd. implements a number of own research and development projects aimed at developing new products and increasing company’s competences. Thanks to these actions ŚCNTPL Ltd. has now become the only center in Poland, where structural sandwich panels with aluminum and carbon fiber plating can be manufactured. They are used for the construction of main satelite structures.
