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“Regional branch observatories of intelligent markets in Central Europe monitoring technology trends and market developments in the area of smart specializations’’ 


Main objective of the project to develop a model of operation for regional observatories, equipment of a network of observatories with a set of monitoring and comparative analysis tools, and to develop a catalog of standardized development services which could be provided by the Observatories in Central Europe.

Implementation of the project has been divided into task packages, within which a number of activities aimed at achieving the assumed project objective have been planned.

As part of SMART_watch, we want to develop and share good practices resulting from the implementation of the Regional Network of Specialist Observatories project, in which GAPR Ltd. is responsible for the Medical Observatory at the international level.

Our goal is to develop a model of operation and create an international network of Regional Observatories of smart markets in Central Europe, monitoring technological trends and market development in the areas of smart specializations.

Most of the CE regions today face the lack of an effective RIS monitoring system (level of implementation, implementation of assumptions, actual use of strategic records by users and the market). There is a lack of methodological support at the national level as well as benchmarking tools.

SMART_watch will help to bridge this gap and create links between the monitoring of Regional Smart Specializations (RIS) and the real needs of end users of smart specializations.


  Leaflet of the project