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Via Regia plus

Via Regia plus

  • VVia Regia plus – Regional cooperation along the 3rd Pan-European Transport Corridor
    Program for Central Europe


Aim of the Via Regia Plus project was to implement key assumptions of the spatial development strategy developed as part of implementation of the ED-C III Via Regia project.


To achieve the main goal of the project, the following three specific objectives were assumed:

  • Increasing accessibility through development of a sustainable transport system
  • Strengthening transport corrridor nodes as sources of development
  • Activation of tourism potential of the area covered by support
  • Project implementation methodology assumed a direct intersection between priorities and areas of intervention assumed under the Central Europe program.

Activities implemented by GAPR

  • Modernization and revitalization concepts for 4 local airports
  • Development of a coherent development strategy for the Small
  • Aircraft Transport System
  • Marketing study on tourism products of the Polish-Czech-Slovak border triangle together with development and publication of promotional materials

Project implementation period: 09.2008 – 12.2011 – 40 months.
Budget of the project for GAPR Ltd. – EUR 203 500.00 (85% co-financing).

Website of the project: www.viaregiaplus.eu
