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Course of the innovator of silesia competition

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1. Stage I.

  1. Collection of Declarations of Participation from March 1 to March 30, 2018.
  2. Competition Office will verify correctness of documentation submitted by participants in formal terms,
  3. within 21 calendar days after completing the call for applications, the Competition Board will analyze the submitted materials in terms of content and will qualify selected entities – no less than three in each category – for the 2nd Stage of the competition,
  4. list of candidates qualified for the second stage will be published on the Organizer’s website. Each of the qualified participants will also be informed via e-mail – a message sent to the e-mail address indicated in the Declaration of Participation.

2. Stage II.

  1. technology audit will be conducted in enterprises and institutions of the R&D sector qualified for the second stage, the purpose of which will be to obtain additional information necessary to assess the degree of innovation of resolution submitted in the competition,
  2. this audit will be carried out by experts in a given field designated by the Competition Office and by employees of the Competition Office, after prior arrangement of audit date with each participant,
  3. Experts, also called auditors:
      1. take part in technological audits qualifying the submitted enterprises and institutions of the research and development sector to the next stage of the Competition,
      2. experts are independent specialists in a given field, people with theoretical and practical knowledge of a given topic,
  4. on the previously planned technological audit, each participant presents a short presentation (multimedia) and/or information materials about the company, R&D sector institutions and the submitted innovative solution, and then makes them available to the Competition Office employee in electronic form,
  5. participants are obliged to provide the auditor with copies of documents proving the innovativeness of their business activity (certificates, patents, opinions, etc.),
  6. each of the auditors, on the basis of information received in the competition materials submitted by the Competition Office and on the basis of the conducted technological audit of an entity, prepares the Auditor’s Evaluation Sheet and submits it to the Competition Office, as part of the second stage of the competition,
  7. The Organizer plans to implement a total of 20 technology audits.

3. Stage III.

  1. Competition Office submits Auditor’s Evaluation Sheets to the Competition Commission,
  2. Competition Commission, based on the Declaration of Participation and Auditor’s Evaluation Sheets, selects four Winners of the title “Innovator of Silesia 2017”, one from each category. Additionally, Competition Commission may award Distinctions for no more than one participant of the second stage in each of the four categories.