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Scale up South Poland

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The Enterprise Europe Network South Poland Consortium announces the recruitment of companies interested in obtaining free services supporting the company’s entry into foreign markets: training, coaching, mentoring and the possibility of co-financing of participation in a foreign conference/fair in 2018.

Target group:

companies operating for no longer than 5 years, registered in the following voivodeships: Świętokrzyskie, Podkarpackie, Małopolskie, Śląskie and

  companies with an innovative product/service, with a potential for international development.

As part of the project, the company will receive:

  the opportunity to participate in training focused on international activities – financing international activities, protection of intellectual property, taxes in international transactions;

  coaching and mentoring from professional experts, business practitioners;

  access to the tools of the Enterprise Europe Network that support internationalization;

  possibility of co-financing participation in a foreign conference/fair in 2018.

Participation in the project is free and is not related to granting of de minimis or other public aid.

In order to submit a wish to participate in the project, please complete the attached application form and send it to een@gapr.pl by 31 October 2017.

The project “Support young innovative companies from Southern Poland in scaling-up their activities in the Single Market” is financed by the COSME program.

Downloadable materials:

Information leaflet