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      ‘’Enhancing SME competitiveness through improved access to Key Enabling Technologies”



The main objective of the project is to create an exemplary model for a network of services dedicated to SMEs in the area of key enabling technologies (KET-Key-enabling Technology) in Central Europe (CE).

As a result, it will be possible to transfer processes and offer services to a higher level, and CE SMEs will be able to use the infrastructure that best suits their needs, even if the service or laboratory is located abroad. The established service network and business support network will be created based on cooperation with research and development units and the infrastructure they offer.

This in turn will allow verification of new technological solutions in advanced stages of product research and development, with the participation of experienced partners, while keeping low testing costs and low financial risk.

Project implementation period: 01.07.2017 to 31.08.2020



Implementation of the project has been divided into task packages, within which many activities aimed at achieving the assumed project objective have been planned.


Leaflet of the project