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Science for business – business for science

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Main goal of the Science for Business – Business for Science project was to develop an effective communication platform: science – industry; industry – science. By implementing the project, we have successfully combined Business with Science and Science with Business, raised awareness on the role of science in economic development.

Detailed objectives of the project

  • building a partnership to promote the role of science in economic development,
  • development of a consensus within the scope of joint strategic actions regarding the needs of enterprises and offer of R&D units,
  • creation of a catalog of technology and hardware offer for enterprises in R&D units in the Śląskie Voivodeship.

As part of the project, over 100 employees from R&D units were trained in the field of commercialization of knowledge and technology.

Project financed from the European Union funds under the European Social Fund.

Project implemented 01.07.2008-31.01.2010

Project website: www.naukadlabiznesu.pl