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MedSilesia Go Global 4.0

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The main goal of the MedSilesia Go Global 4.0 project is to approach Polish producers, developers of the ICT bridge, and services that are applicable in the field of health by increasing the internationalization of 11 analysis companies within the MedSilesia Cluster thanks to the opportunities for foreign markets.

 Activities undertaken as part of the project are closely related to the objectives contained in the strategic documents of the MedSilesia Cluster:

  • wide promotion of the cluster offer and brand on prospective markets,
  • in particular on the markets of the USA, Israel, Austria, Germany, Kazakhstan, Switzerland,
  • building a positive image of the cluster,
  • support for the internationalization of the products of the cluster and its members.

 The project focused on three groups of products/services:

  • IT solutions (ICT in medicine, with particular emphasis on the area of telemedicine, the use of artificial intelligence in medicine, medical imaging, processing and analysis of biomedical information),
  • medical devices, with particular emphasis on equipment for minimally invasive procedures,
  • clinical trials/biocompatibility services.

  Implemented activities:

  • training and consulting support in the field of internationalization of enterprises,
  • participation of cluster members in foreign events (conferences, fairs, economic missions),
  • using the internet platform as a knowledge base supporting the expansion of foreign members of the MedSilesia Cluster.

 Planned effects of the project:

 Increase in the value of exports of individual cluster members (project participants);

 Increased access to knowledge and best practices from abroad and new markets, and thus a broad customer base;

 Intensification of cooperation of individual entities within the MedSilesia Cluster in the field of further growth of entrepreneurship, productivity, creation, and commercialization of innovations, knowledge, and technology transfer;

 Increase in the number of new joint projects within the MedSilesia Cluster, as well as the development of cooperation in the field of R&D.

 Project implementation period: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022

 Total project value: PLN 4 775 930.54

Co-financing of the project from the EU: PLN 3 571 846.49

The project is implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Measure 2.3 Pro-innovative services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.3 Internationalization of the National Key Clusters.