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MedSilesia Go Global

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The project is implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Measure 2.3 Pro-innovative services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.3 Internationalization of the National Key Clusters.


The subject of the Project is the development and implementation of a comprehensive set of tools that will contribute to the internationalization of common products of the Cluster and its members.

As part of the project, it is planned to develop and make available a training and consulting platform (COIN) supporting the competences of companies in the field of export development to selected markets, taking into account the specificity of the medical industry, in particular medical products and devices and ICT solutions. The platform containing the developed materials related to internationalization will be constantly enriched by its members who have or will gain experience in the field of internationalization during the project. A comprehensive report will be prepared to summarize the principles of implementing the export strategy of companies from the so-called guide. This guide will be a summary of the experiences gathered based on the case study analysis and the experiences of team members resulting from working on the implementation of the internationalization strategy (participation in events, legal requirements, market specificity, etc.). A permanent product of the Cluster will be an internationalization strategy and a joint marketing plan in the field of activities in prospective markets.

As part of supporting the internationalization of the Cluster products, trips to fairs of the broadest international scope will be organized, selected based on an analysis of the available possibilities of promoting medical solutions in the world and the individual needs of the project participants. Economic missions will be organized to acquire knowledge about new technologies and solutions in the field of medicine and to establish direct contacts. Project participants will have the opportunity to participate in the most important industry events. The implementation of the activities will enable or accelerate the introduction of the Cluster members’ and Cluster’s offers under the MadeInMedSilesia brand to selected foreign markets, with particular emphasis on technologically advanced products.

The main objectives:

  • comprehensive support for 11 members of the MedSilesia Cluster in the expansion of their products and services on foreign markets
  • improving the competitiveness of Polish medical devices and technologies for medicine
  • internationalization of the joint offer of the MadeInMedSilesia cluster and the technologically sustainable products of the Project participants

  Duration: September 2018 – May 2021

 Total project value: PLN 3 551 510.38

Co-financing of the project from the EU: PLN 2 619 848.16