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Mag welder – precious employee

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The project is addressed to unemployed or professionally passive people who would like to improve their position on the labor market by increasing or acquiring new skills and qualifications in the MAG welding profession.


The project includes vocational counseling, support from an employment specialist and professional course in the profession of MAG welder. Selected participants will have the opportunity to undergo professional internships.

The course will be carried out at the “WELDER” Welders Training Center in Gliwice.


Participant of the project can be a person over 30 years of age (from the day of the 30th birthday) who meets the following conditions in total:

  • is an unemployed or professionally inactive person,
  • is a low-skilled person,
  • has completed at least primary school,
  • lives in the Śląskie Voivodeship,
  • has the ability to perform the profession of a welder.


All participants can use the entire training cycle entirely free of charge.


  • Meeting with a Vocational Counselor
  • Career guidance within the scope of career development planning
  • Course in the field of welding sheet metal and pipes with fillet welds with the use of MAG (135) method, including theoretical and practical lectures – 160 hours
  • Course in the field of welding sheets with butt welds using MAG (135) method together with thermal cutter course, including theoretical and practical lectures – 128 hours
  • Final exams
  • Professional internships – 3 months

Aim of the course is theoretical and practical preparation of course participants for the external final exam IS-P/T-FW-1-135 and IS-P-BW-1-135 according to the Welding Institute Guidelines No. W-07/IS-17. After passing the final exam, course participant gets the right to perform fillet welds of sheets and pipes, as well as butt welds of sheets with the use of MAG (135) method in accordance with applicable regulations and current standards for the conduct of qualification exams for welders.

The participant receives the Welder Qualification Test Certificate (welder’s book, Welding Institute certificate) and the Welding Institute Certificate on completing the thermal cutter course.

The project provides for:

  • Training and internship scholarships
  • Reimbursement of travel costs
  • Medical examination
  • Accident insurance
  • Workwear
  • Printed materials
  • Catering

Recruitment for the course is continuous

Project goal: to increase employability of 100 people aged over 29, unemployed or professionally inactive, with low qualifications, residing in the Śląskie Voivodeship, until August 31, 2018.

Planned effects of the project

  • Number of unemployed people, including long-term unemployed, supported by the project: 50 people,
  • Liczba osób biernych zawodowo objętych wsparciem w projekcie: 10 osób,
  • Number of people with low qualifications supported by the project: 100 people.
  • Number of people who obtained qualifications after leaving the project: 90 people.
  • Percentage of long-term unemployed participants who will take up employment within up to three months following the day on which they ended their participation in the project: 35 %
  • Percentage of low-qualified participants who will take up employment within up to three months following the day on which they ended their participation in the project: 36%
  • Percentage of participants not eligible for any of the above-mentioned target groups who will take up employment within up to three months following the day on which they ended their participation in the project: 43%
  • Percentage of participants with disabilities who will take up employment within up to three months following the day on which they ended their participation in the project: 17%

Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund.

Priority axis: VII. Regional labor market.

Measure 7.1. Active forms of counteracting unemployment.

Submeasure: 7.1.3. Improving employability of jobseekers and those who remain unemployed.

The project is carried out under the supervision of the Voivodeship Labour Office in Katowice.

Project implementation period: 01.10.2016 – 30.09.2018

Project implementation period: 1 433 310,72 zł.

Contribution of European Funds: 1 218 314,11 zł


Project office:

Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd.

ul. Bojkowska 37, pok. 122, 44-100 Gliwice