Projekt CluStrat – Boosting innovation through new cluster concepts in support of emerging issues and cross-sectoral themes.
How can clusters remain competitive in the light of emerging new branches of industry and cross-sectoral issues?
Main goal of the CluStrat project is to create a common strategy for increasing the innovation and competitiveness of clusters in the Central Europe region.
18 partners and 7 associated institutions from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia and Ukraine joined forces to explore relevant and effective concepts of clusters and supporting policy instruments.
The CluStrat project is implemented as part of the Central Europe Programme co-financed by the European Union – the European Regional Development Fund.
CluStrat is considered to be a model project within the scope of EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
Implementation period: October 2011 – September 2014
Source of financing: The CluStrat project is implemented as part of the Central Europe
Programme co-financed by the European Union – the European Regional Development Fund.
Project purpose:
CluStrat aims to generate new strategic knowledge for decision-makers responsible for innovation and clusters from the whole Central Europe through:
- research of given assets and growth potential of Central Europe regions,
- research on inter-cluster cooperation and other creative exchange between traditional industry clusters and clusters emerging in pilot programs,
- preparing political tools needed to support:
exchange of experience between clusters from traditional sectors and cross-sectoral technologies and services, inclusion of issues such as gender, diversification, internationalization or technology and knowledge transfer.
CluStrat Project partners initiated a systematic Political Dialogue at the regional, national and supra-national level. This dialogue includes an exchange of views, discussions and education, thus including decision makers at all levels of development of new strategies and policy solutions – throughout the whole duration of the project.
At the same time, industry experts, employees and cluster members, such as enterprises, universities or other research and development institutions participating in the CluStrat project, bring their knowledge and practical experience through:
Expert workshops for a detailed assessment of potentials related to cross-cutting issues and emerging branches of the economy;
Regional and inter-cluster/interregional pilot programs for testing elements of strategy in practice;
Potential analysis presents centers of strategic importance, including cross-cutting issues and newly emerging branches of the economy at the regional level. Development of a strategy is based on this. In addition to the final, common strategy, CluStrat will also result in:
recommendations for creating policies,
joint action plan for Central Europe.
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum / Niemcy
Clusterland Górna Austria Ltd. / Austria
Krajowe Stowarzyszenie Klastrowe / Czechy
Agencja Rozwoju Biznesu Regionu Karlowe Wary / Czechy
Agencja Rozwoju Gospodarczego Saksonii / Niemcy
Węgierskie Centrum Rozwoju Gospodarczego / Węgry
Biuro Krajowego Planowania Gospodarczego / Węgry
Agencja Rozwoju Środkowego Regionu Naddunajskiego, Przedsiębiorstwo Non-profit / Węgry
Friuli Innovazione, Centrum Badań i Transferu Technologii / Włochy
Zarząd ds. Innowacji, Badań Naukowych i Uczelni Wyższych Piemontu / Włochy
Departament Gospodarki i Rzemiosła Wenecji Euganejskiej / Włochy
Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza / Polska
Województwo Dolnośląskie (Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego) /Polska
Górnośląska Agencja Promocji Przedsiębiorczości S. A. / Polska
Krajowa Agencja Rozwoju Technologii Republiki Słowenii / Słowenia
Krajowa Agencja Rozwoju Małych i Średnich Przedsiębiorstw / Słowacja
Słowackie Stowarzyszenie Klastrów / Słowacja
Klaster AT + R / Słowacja
CluStrat is coordinated by the Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, in close cooperation and with financial support of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Baden-Württemberg.
Link to the project page:
Political dialogue
On October 23, 2014, in Gliwice, in the Education and Business Center “NEW GLIWICE”, the third and final meeting of the Round Table for cluster policy – Domestic Dialogue – Clusters in the new programming perspective – cluster support directions at the regional, national and supranational level for the years 2014-2020 took place. The event was organized by the Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd. as part of the CluStrat project – Boosting innovation through new cluster concepts in the suport of emerging issues and cross-sectoral themes.
At the very beginning of the Project, CluStrat Project Partners initiated a systematic political dialogue called: Round Table for cluster policy at the regional, national and supranational level. This dialogue included: exchange of views, discussions with decision-makers involved in creating and building strategies, and policy solutions related to cluster activities.
In connection with the beginning of a new financing perspective and its new conditioning, purpose of the last meeting was to familiarize participants with the clusters’ support directions at the regional, national and supranational level in the new 2014-2020 programming perspective with an emphasis on clarifying all issues related to Key Clusters and international cooperation.
Participants of the meeting were greeted by Sylwia Rudek-Matuszczak – Proxy in the Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd. (GAPR), ensuring that GAPR activities for clusters not only do not end with completion of the project, but will be intensified and directed to the permanent support of clusters and innovations in the region and the country through a series of activities planned by the Agency.
In accordance with the meeting schedule, prize and distinctions were awarded as part of the “Innovative Entrepreneur of the Year” competition organized as part of implementation of the agreement no. UDA-KSI-POIG.05.02.00-00-001/12-14/14 by GAPR Ltd. The Main Prize went to Tomasz Wójcik MIDEX company (more information about winners and the competition at
After a short ceremony of awarding entrepreneurs, CluStrat project experts: Dr. Sławomir Olko and Mr. Marcin Jablonski initiated a discussion on the National Key Clusters system in order to send comments of clusters and other stakeholders as part of public consultations announced by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the Ministry of Economy, which were due until midnight on October 23. As a result of the discussion, comments raised by meeting participants concerned, among others: inclusion of source documents – expertise on Clusters of the Śląskie Voivodship in analyses – recommendations for further development, provisions of which were taken into account during development of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Śląskie Voivodeship; required education of external experts; taking into account other forms of cluster activity – associations, companies; critical mass, the existence of which is not determined by the number of formally registered members, but the number of active members implementing projects and other indicators.
The afternoon part of the meeting was started by Barbara Bujnowska-Sęda from the Marshal’s Office of the Śląskie Voivodeship, presenting general assumptions of cluster support directions at the regional level, which are still the subject of consultations with the European Commission. Representatives of the National Contact Points of the ETC programs at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Monika Strojecka-Gevorgyan and Anna Stol presented programs of the European Territorial Cooperation, within which cluster support is possible. All cluster relations participants, cluster coordinators were invited to contact Points for further, more detailed consultations. The Horizon2020 program and services provided by the Project Management Center of the Silesian University of Technology were presented by Dominika Raróg-Oślizlok. At the end of the meeting, the World Bank representative familiarized participants with a project regarding research of companies’ needs within the smart specialization system which will be implemented by the World Bank, among others, in Silesia.
If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact the Project Manager
We invite you to read the presentations of the meeting:
New challenges for clusters – Dr S. Olko and P. M. Jabłoński.pdf
European Territorial Cooperation – P. M. Strojecka-Gevorgyan and P. A. Stol.pdf
Horizon 2020 – P. D. Raróg-Ośliźlok.pdf
World Bank – P. J. Toborowicz.pdf
Advising KSI KSU – P. S. Rudek-Matuszczak.pdf