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MedSilesia Go Global

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The project is implemented under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Measure 2.3 Pro-innovative services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.3 Internationalisation of National Key Clusters and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


 Project objectives:

  • comprehensive support for 12 members of the MedSilesia Cluster in the expansion of their products and services on foreign markets,
  • improvement of competitiveness of Polish medical products and technologies for medicine,
  • internationalisation of the joint offer of the MadeInMedSilesia cluster and technologically sustainable products of the project participants.

 Project effects:

– an increase in employment in supported enterprises;

– foreign trade contracts signed by enterprises supported in the field of internationalisation;

– revenue from the sale of products for export;

– innovative products introduced to a new market under the project;

– innovative products developed as part of the project;

– new joint ventures within the cluster;

– new contacts / established cooperation in the field of R&D.

 Project duration: 01.09.2018 – 31.05.2021.

 Total project value: 3 551 510.38 PLN.

Amount cofinanced by UE: 2 619 848.16 PLN.

 Project members:

1. 2KMM Sp. z o.o. – www.2kmm.pl

2. ACCREA Bartłomiej Stańczyk – www.accrea.com

3. Agencja Techniki Medycznej „ATMED” Zygmunt Rafalski – www.rafalski.med.pl

4. Alta Sp. z .o.o. – www.alta.pl

5. CABIOMEDE Sp. z o.o. – www.cabiomede.com

6. Clinical Consulting sp. z o.o. – www.clinicalconsulting.pl

7. EGZOTech Sp. z o.o. – www.egzotech.com

8. Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii im. prof. Zbigniewa Religi – www.frk.pl

9. Infotower Business Solutions sp. z o. o – www.infotower.pl

10. P.P.U. Medbryt Sp. z o.o. – www.medbryt.com.pl

11. Pro-PLUS S.A. – www.pro-plus.pl

12. WAMTECHNIK Sp. z o.o. – www.wamtechnik.pl

More information: www.medsilesia.com.

Contact us: goglobal@gapr.pl