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Dis(abled) important at work

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The project is addressed to unemployed or professionally inactive people who would like to improve their position on the labor market by increasing or acquiring new skills and qualifications in the MAG and TIG welding profession. The project includes vocational and psychological counseling, training in job search techniques and vocational training in the MAG and TIG welder. Selected participants have the opportunity to undergo professional internships.

Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund. Priority VI Labor market open to everyone Measure 6.1 Improvement of access to employment and support of professional activity in the region Sub-measure 6.1.1 Support for people without employment in the regional labor market of the Human Capital Operational Program.
The project is carried out under the supervision of the Voivodeship Labour Office in Katowice.

Project implementation period: 01.06.2013 – 30.01.2015.


An increase in the level of professional activity and employability of 60 unemployed and professionally inactive people from the area of the Śląskie Voivodeship from the indicated poviats, including 60% of disabled people until January 2015.

The project is addressed to unemployed or professionally inactive people who would like to improve their position on the labor market by increasing qualifications and obtaining MAG and TIG welding profession.


Project participant can be:

  • unemployed or professionally inactive,
  • unemployed or professionally inactive,
    a person registered in one of the poviats: Bytom, Świętochłowice, Piekary Śląskie, Sosnowiec, Siemianowice Śląskie, Zabrze, Chorzów or Będzin,
  • a person with a minimum basic education.

Preferred people are

  • disabled people,
  • women, long-term unemployed people,
  • people aged 18-24
  • people aged 50-64,



Stage 1:

• Professional counseling (group and individual).
It will allow proper selection of career development paths for training participants based on their individual abilities and skills. As part of the training it is possible to take advantage of a “tailor-made” – individual career counseling.

• Training in job search techniques.
It aims to provide people who have difficulty finding a job with knowledge about opportunities, channels and ways to actively search for a job.

• Psychological counseling.
It will increase self-esteem and motivation, as well as help overcome barriers and prejudices of a psychological nature that make it difficult to look for a job.

Stage 2:

• Professional training in the field of MAG welding – Module I – welding of sheets with fillet welds

Theoretical classes – 26 hours
Practical classes – 104 hours

• Professional training within the field of MAG welding – Module II – welding of metal sheets with butt welds

Theoretical classes – 7 hours
Practical classes – 90 hours

• Professional training within the field of TIG welding – Module I – welding of sheets with fillet welds

Theoretical classes – 20 hours
Practical classes – 80 hours

The training will prepare each participant to perform the profession of a welder both in Poland and in European Union countries. Students will learn the latest welding techniques, health and safety rules and more.

Stage 3:

• Internships

6-month internships in enterprises located in the Silesian agglomeration are planned for the best participants of the project, immediately after completing the training, where participants will be able to use and deepen their newly acquired skills. After successful completion of an internship, there is a possibility of later employment.

Each participant will receive, among others:

  • medical examination,
  • training materials,
  • catering,
  • accident insurance,
  • payment of training allowances/internship scholarships,
  • determination and payment of social and health insurance premiums
  • reimbursement of travel costs.


Stage 1 – basic trainings.

Trainings will be held in Katowice for almost a month (118h, i.e. 15 days) – from Monday to Thursday in groups of 10.



  • August 2013 (2 groups)
    December 2013 (2 groups)
    April 2014 (2 groups

Stage 2 – vocational training (in the profession of MAG and TIG welder).

Trainings will be held in Gliwice for about two months (327h, i.e. 41 days) – from Monday to Friday in groups of 10 people. The training includes theoretical and practical classes.


  • September/October 2013 (2 groups)
    January/February 2013 (2 groups)
    April/May/June 2014 (2 groups)

Stage 3 – internships

Internships will take place in production plants at the territory of Silesian agglomeration for a period of 6 months – from Monday to Friday.


  • November 2013 – January 2015


All participants can benefit from the entire training cycle entirely free of charge..